Blog written by Dietitian Alice Rose 

Adolescents find themselves in a unique situation where they must meet the nutritional requirements associated with growth, development, school performance and good health. Active adolescents also need a diet that caters for the energy demands of undertaking daily training and competition. Adolescence is a period of significant physical development that includes changes to body composition, metabolic and hormonal fluctuations, maturation of organ systems and establishment of nutrient stores, all which affect future health. Macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fat), micronutrients (particularly iron, calcium and Vitamin D) and fluids are required to support this growth and development as well as physical activity. Therefore, active adolescents require the knowledge and support to develop a healthy relationship with food and understand what, when and how to eat and drink to support their needs. 

Why see a sports dietitian?

Sports nutrition enhances athletic performance by optimising training and recovery decreasing fatigue, risk of injury and disease. Inadequate fuelling before and during school, and around training are the key struggles seen with adolescent athletes. On the go meals and snacks, lunchbox friendly ideas, supplements as well as education around supporting energy needs are some of the key topics covered in a consultation.

Who may want to see a sports dietitian?

Those wanting to ensure they are eating enough to support performance in school and in sport as well as healthy growth and development would benefit from nutrition support. Parents, guardians and coaches play a key role in supporting and promoting good nutrition. If you have any concerns about whether your child is eating enough or the right types of foods to adequately to support their needs, consider booking a session with a sports dietitian. 

Below are some lunchbox snack ideas suitable for a adolescents: 

  • Banana, Chobani yoghurt + Carman’s oat bar 
  • Strawberries, up & go + homemade oat bliss ball 
  • Apple, 2x baby bel cheese, homemade oat muffin
  • Roasted Fava beans, 200mL mini milk, hommus + carrot sticks 
  • Pear, cheese & wholegrain crackers, almonds 

Note: portions vary according to requirements.

To book contact the clinic on 03 5229 3911

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